A picture taken of us yesterday with a random man was put in a couple of the Indian newspapers today.
The kids were SO excited.
I suppose we just got our 15 minutes of fame in India. :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hindu Temples, Mangos and True Beauty
Today has been one of those days where I don't feel like there's enough time or space to write about everything that happened...so I'll try my best.
My day started off somewhat rough. Dana and I slept on the roof last night to try to cool down, but I only ended up being able to sleep for about 2.5 hours. I proceeded to sit on skype and facebook from about 330 until someone I knew came on (luckily, that side of the world was evening so it was very likely I could find someone to talk to while everyone here was still sleeping).
The morning ended up being wonderful. I was able to skype with some close friends, and also my mom and her friends and they were all able to meet some of the children and Thomas, which made me so happy because then they could get a little taste of the joy that these kids bring to me everyday.
I spent most of the morning on Skype and then after breakfast was informed that we were going to be going to a Hindu Temple.
We got ready and after a very bumpy car ride, we arrived to the first temple. Something about the god of snakes or...i dont really remember. I'm not good at remembering that kind of detail.
Anyway...after that we went to a huge temple where the architecture was beautiful and where we also did not fit in in any way.
After a while, i noticed that people were very excited to see us. I had assumed that they would have negative thoughts, but forgot about them loving Americans. If you look in my flickr, there are some pictures with random men standing next to Dana, Breana and I. That was because we became like a walking tourist attraction. We stopped to see and elephant and they were asking us to have pictures taken with us and wanted to write about how Americans came to their temple.
I even had little kids running up to me wanting to shake my hand. It was crazy.
After we left the temple, we went to a place in the country area where they had cashew trees and grew chilis, mangos and tobacco. We met the nicest couple who lived there, and they cut down fruit and sent some home with us.
Apparently OAFA has goats, so we stopped by a very small village to see them.
It's amazing to me to see the differences in the way people live there. There are some huge, beautiful houses, but most of what I saw where hand-made huts, or we even drove by a mother pushing a big wagon-like thing with a baby and all of their belongings, other children in tow, to go stay in the trees, because that was all they could do.
After driving around and seeing these different parts, I thought back to what it was like to live in Grand Rapids, and my last night before I left, when I stayed in Chicago where it was all about beautiful buildings and materialistic things.
These Indian people are probably the most beautiful I've ever seen, especially the older ones. It's all natural beauty and their skin ages so differently than American's, it's almost like they're a work of art.
I usually spend a lot of time editing photos but this time I want you to see the raw beauty, so I will not touch any of them with any editing.
Please email me or leave me your feedback.
Grace and Peace be with you all,
My day started off somewhat rough. Dana and I slept on the roof last night to try to cool down, but I only ended up being able to sleep for about 2.5 hours. I proceeded to sit on skype and facebook from about 330 until someone I knew came on (luckily, that side of the world was evening so it was very likely I could find someone to talk to while everyone here was still sleeping).
The morning ended up being wonderful. I was able to skype with some close friends, and also my mom and her friends and they were all able to meet some of the children and Thomas, which made me so happy because then they could get a little taste of the joy that these kids bring to me everyday.
I spent most of the morning on Skype and then after breakfast was informed that we were going to be going to a Hindu Temple.
We got ready and after a very bumpy car ride, we arrived to the first temple. Something about the god of snakes or...i dont really remember. I'm not good at remembering that kind of detail.
Anyway...after that we went to a huge temple where the architecture was beautiful and where we also did not fit in in any way.
After a while, i noticed that people were very excited to see us. I had assumed that they would have negative thoughts, but forgot about them loving Americans. If you look in my flickr, there are some pictures with random men standing next to Dana, Breana and I. That was because we became like a walking tourist attraction. We stopped to see and elephant and they were asking us to have pictures taken with us and wanted to write about how Americans came to their temple.
I even had little kids running up to me wanting to shake my hand. It was crazy.
After we left the temple, we went to a place in the country area where they had cashew trees and grew chilis, mangos and tobacco. We met the nicest couple who lived there, and they cut down fruit and sent some home with us.
Apparently OAFA has goats, so we stopped by a very small village to see them.
It's amazing to me to see the differences in the way people live there. There are some huge, beautiful houses, but most of what I saw where hand-made huts, or we even drove by a mother pushing a big wagon-like thing with a baby and all of their belongings, other children in tow, to go stay in the trees, because that was all they could do.
After driving around and seeing these different parts, I thought back to what it was like to live in Grand Rapids, and my last night before I left, when I stayed in Chicago where it was all about beautiful buildings and materialistic things.
These Indian people are probably the most beautiful I've ever seen, especially the older ones. It's all natural beauty and their skin ages so differently than American's, it's almost like they're a work of art.
I usually spend a lot of time editing photos but this time I want you to see the raw beauty, so I will not touch any of them with any editing.
Please email me or leave me your feedback.
Grace and Peace be with you all,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
a little more detail
I realized that my last entry just wasn't very sufficient in telling you how amazing my experience has been so far.
Let me give you some details about life here.
It is HOT. At least 100 degrees everyday. It will probably get hotter over the next month. When June hits, that's when the Monsoon comes so it will be a couple months of cooler weather and a LOT of rain.
When I think about the kids here, there is no other word I would use to describe them except JOYFUL. They are so happy all the time and having 58 pairs of arms stretched out wanting a hug all the time is just the most amazing feeling.
It is going to be so hard for me not to want to take them all home with me when I return in a year. The older kids are so mature for their age and just take care of the younger ones.
The girls are amazing and it's pretty easy to communicate with them because they know a little bit of English.
It's so funny because all of the kids who know even a little bit of English try so hard to teach Dana and I Telegu (their language). To them, I am "Acah" (sp?) which means big sister.
These kids pray like none I've ever seen before. There's one girl who prays for me individually about 5x/day. Not because she has to, but because she wants to. It's amazing. I don't know many people who do that.
The kids here call me "doll" because I'm different than what's considered normal.
They also tell me I have small eyes and that is their favorite part of me.
Thinking about being here a whole year is really hard. But I left the US a week ago today and even though the days have seemed long, the last week has gone by very quickly.
Thomas would like me to come home in October (I have to leave the country after 6 months anyway because of my visa). If I can afford it, I am definitely going to do it and will be home for about a month. It's weird how you don't think you'll miss people much when going away to start a new lifestyle, but I would give anything to be able to run over to my friends' houses or just go to dinner, or see my family.
I must end, because we are eating breakfast soon (which probably includes white rice, vegetables, and lots of spicy curry).
The food here is AMAZING along with the coffee..and all the hands that help prepare it.
Remember I am 9.5 hours AHEAD of Michigan.
If you ever want to skype, I am usually on morning my time between 7 and 9am and at night my time (around noon your time).
I hope you all are doing well.
If there's anything we can pray for you, please let me know.
Grace and Peace,
Let me give you some details about life here.
It is HOT. At least 100 degrees everyday. It will probably get hotter over the next month. When June hits, that's when the Monsoon comes so it will be a couple months of cooler weather and a LOT of rain.
When I think about the kids here, there is no other word I would use to describe them except JOYFUL. They are so happy all the time and having 58 pairs of arms stretched out wanting a hug all the time is just the most amazing feeling.
It is going to be so hard for me not to want to take them all home with me when I return in a year. The older kids are so mature for their age and just take care of the younger ones.
The girls are amazing and it's pretty easy to communicate with them because they know a little bit of English.
It's so funny because all of the kids who know even a little bit of English try so hard to teach Dana and I Telegu (their language). To them, I am "Acah" (sp?) which means big sister.
These kids pray like none I've ever seen before. There's one girl who prays for me individually about 5x/day. Not because she has to, but because she wants to. It's amazing. I don't know many people who do that.
The kids here call me "doll" because I'm different than what's considered normal.
They also tell me I have small eyes and that is their favorite part of me.
Thinking about being here a whole year is really hard. But I left the US a week ago today and even though the days have seemed long, the last week has gone by very quickly.
Thomas would like me to come home in October (I have to leave the country after 6 months anyway because of my visa). If I can afford it, I am definitely going to do it and will be home for about a month. It's weird how you don't think you'll miss people much when going away to start a new lifestyle, but I would give anything to be able to run over to my friends' houses or just go to dinner, or see my family.
I must end, because we are eating breakfast soon (which probably includes white rice, vegetables, and lots of spicy curry).
The food here is AMAZING along with the coffee..and all the hands that help prepare it.
Remember I am 9.5 hours AHEAD of Michigan.
If you ever want to skype, I am usually on morning my time between 7 and 9am and at night my time (around noon your time).
I hope you all are doing well.
If there's anything we can pray for you, please let me know.
Grace and Peace,
Monday, April 20, 2009
I'm here!
Finally, I have a minute to update you on my journey.
After a 20 hour flight, Dana and I arrived with no big problems to Vijayawada airport at about 330pm India time on Saturday, the 18th. We were greeted by Breana, Peter, and Thomas who then took us back to the orphange.
The welcoming was amazing with all of the kids lined up outside and "welcome to OAFA INDIA Jenna and Dana" spelled out using flower petals.
We got to meet each child, and their joy spilled over so much, I was overwhelmed with so much emotion.
These kids love to be hugged and held and they all call us "sister."
It's hard to put into words what I feel when I get to seem them everyday. They're all so happy and just want to be loved more than anything.
I was sick for half of the day yesterday, so i was unable to attend their church service but later in that afternoon, i awoke to all 58 of them in my room with their hands on me praying that I would be better. It was amazing.
I'm still trying to learn their names, but am finding myself loving them more and more everyday.
I was thinking today about how long a year is; but how hard it is going to be for me to leave. I am going to be so attached, and I think it will break all of our hearts when I have to leave forever.
There's so much to say, but I can't think of how to put it in this blog right now.
I am just SO happy. I have been told by 2 people so far that in my pictures I look like i glow. I can feel it when the kids come up and hug me and say that they love me.
Please take a minute to look at the photos I was able to put up.
I have placed a link to my Flickr page on the side of my page.
Let me know what you think!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and encouragement.
Grace and Peace!
After a 20 hour flight, Dana and I arrived with no big problems to Vijayawada airport at about 330pm India time on Saturday, the 18th. We were greeted by Breana, Peter, and Thomas who then took us back to the orphange.
The welcoming was amazing with all of the kids lined up outside and "welcome to OAFA INDIA Jenna and Dana" spelled out using flower petals.
We got to meet each child, and their joy spilled over so much, I was overwhelmed with so much emotion.
These kids love to be hugged and held and they all call us "sister."
It's hard to put into words what I feel when I get to seem them everyday. They're all so happy and just want to be loved more than anything.
I was sick for half of the day yesterday, so i was unable to attend their church service but later in that afternoon, i awoke to all 58 of them in my room with their hands on me praying that I would be better. It was amazing.
I'm still trying to learn their names, but am finding myself loving them more and more everyday.
I was thinking today about how long a year is; but how hard it is going to be for me to leave. I am going to be so attached, and I think it will break all of our hearts when I have to leave forever.
There's so much to say, but I can't think of how to put it in this blog right now.
I am just SO happy. I have been told by 2 people so far that in my pictures I look like i glow. I can feel it when the kids come up and hug me and say that they love me.
Please take a minute to look at the photos I was able to put up.
I have placed a link to my Flickr page on the side of my page.
Let me know what you think!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and encouragement.
Grace and Peace!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
all over the place!!
I don't even have time to do a full update...mainly because it's 3:50am and I have to be to church at 850am...today.
It is Easter though.
How awesome is it to think that today, so many years ago, Jesus rose from the grave.
He took our place on the cross so that we may have Eternal Life.
You should listen to "This Is Our God" by Hillsong United.
Here's a link to YouTube just in case. Listen to the words.
This Is Our God
Probably one of the greatest worship songs of all time.
I leave on Thursday. It's Sunday.
Where did the time go?!?!
It is Easter though.
How awesome is it to think that today, so many years ago, Jesus rose from the grave.
He took our place on the cross so that we may have Eternal Life.
You should listen to "This Is Our God" by Hillsong United.
Here's a link to YouTube just in case. Listen to the words.
This Is Our God
Probably one of the greatest worship songs of all time.
I leave on Thursday. It's Sunday.
Where did the time go?!?!
Friday, April 3, 2009
I've gotten so far behind on keeping this up!
I leave 2 weeks from YESTERDAY!!
I am actually going to be going to Chicago a day early (the 15th) with 4 of my closest girl friends to have one last night together...you know...dinner, chatting, probably lots of crying..
I feel like I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. There are still a few more details I have to get together, but for the most part, I think things are pretty set.
I'm exhausted so there's not much I can write right now, but I wanted to thank you for your continued prayers during this time.
One more thing...
I have adobe lightroom (an amazing photo editing program) on my computer so I've had a lot of fun with that, and realized that I may actually have a gift in photography (which will be great in India).
I wanted to include some pictures on here of the prayer corner Christa made for me, but also post my link to my Flickr where you'll be able to find pictures in India when I begin to post them.
My Flickr Photostream

I leave 2 weeks from YESTERDAY!!
I am actually going to be going to Chicago a day early (the 15th) with 4 of my closest girl friends to have one last night together...you know...dinner, chatting, probably lots of crying..
I feel like I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. There are still a few more details I have to get together, but for the most part, I think things are pretty set.
I'm exhausted so there's not much I can write right now, but I wanted to thank you for your continued prayers during this time.
One more thing...
I have adobe lightroom (an amazing photo editing program) on my computer so I've had a lot of fun with that, and realized that I may actually have a gift in photography (which will be great in India).
I wanted to include some pictures on here of the prayer corner Christa made for me, but also post my link to my Flickr where you'll be able to find pictures in India when I begin to post them.
My Flickr Photostream

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